
Home to a king (3)

Home to a king (3)

embedded poems on the names of trees

nest-boxes colour specified
to a leaf of the tree species

Yorkshire Sculpture Park
St Andrews Botanic Garden
George Square Garden
Durham Botanic Garden
Springburn Park
Highland Institue of Contemporary Art

World Cup (South Africa)

Football Haiku, rubber stamp print, 2010

white peak | dark peak

white peak | dark peak

word-drawings, from a suite of 10 lithographic prints
published by hole editions

the poems also exist as audio and typeset skylines
on the white peak | dark peak website

the original project was commissioned by re : place

Fireside poets

Eck & Ken, 'Basho' & 'Sora'
editing the road north by the fireside at Dunira

an audio recording of the poem features in the exhibition, Walk On,
Forty Years of the Art of Walking. It will be available to the public soon.

so, when was it
I first had that dream
of roving the glens
up and down
guided by Basho's Oku?

some morning
I will wake on Pillow Hill
with a matinal willow
warbling at the window
books on the bed
my heart in a fankle

to see clouds and mountains 
in the far-away
to be on the road   north
where paths of moss and crottle
follow peaty waters

some morning I will cross over
to the Kingdom
shrouded in mist
tracking back
to the origin of things
sipping tea from a shell

I will how learn to tell
burns that run
lochan to lochan
from the wide river
that flows freely
to the sea

I will turn down 
some other glen
east-west into low sun
scooping shelter
from a mountain wind
to plant two rowans

by a white croft
waiting for a boy 
whose supple hand
will gently twist
the pliant saplings
so they grow   entwined

photograph Alistair Peebles, 2011